          天生我材必有用 may use your natu 婚禮佈置ral wild grown opium to exchange weapon or prec 燒烤ious stone with any rich powerful forceful man, so that they can h 部落格ave that natural wild opium (It must be Natural Wild grown, must not farmed by m 部落格an fenced, not mention jailed inside a cement curbed block,  so that to fit Ch 禮服inese said "天生我材必有用" [That how you know how to read and/or write, you must not be allowed to give birth; you 酒肉朋友 want to have right to give birth, you have to rely on the natural wild to live or die freely like all natural wild animals must do.] )& 房屋出租nbsp;to help keep all female dressed animals and female monsters along with those monsters born by them  inside their own private place to die the happiest way.You 酒店工作 must not make money at anyone's sick weak wicked (that how government office workers must not be allowed to get pay check, not mention to tax any thing, to charge any fee.); that how you ca 房屋出租n only make exchange with those who own more weapons own more precious stones than you. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 部落格  .

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